How to soundproof wheel arches in a car. By soundproofing and insulating the wheel arches in a car, or in any vehicle, driving noise is significantly reduced which results in a more comfortable ride.

Soundproofing for wheel arches to reduce driving noise

Soundproof wheel arches to reduce driving noise
The driving noise is caused by the tyres touching the roads surface and the air getting compressed between the tyres and the road. This causes vibrations in the bodywork and wheel arches what becomes audible as driving noise. To soundproof wheel arches you need to apply anti-drumming sheets to the wheel arches in the car. This will reduce driving noise significantly!

Anti-drumming includes adding mass to the sheet metal. As a result, the rigidity of the bodywork increases, reducing the amount of driving noise that can enter the interior. Products such as Vibraflex Extreme and Vibraflex UF 80 are ideal products to soundproof wheel arches.

Products to soundproof wheel arches of your car
All the soundproofing products should be applied inside of the car, not on the outside. The best way to insulate your wheel arches is by covering them completely with Vibraflex Extreme or Vibraflex UF 80. These products add weight and rigidity to these lightweight sheet metal parts, thus insulate them.

Thoroughly de-grease and cleanse the wheel arches first, and then equip their entire surface with one of these products. After the wheel arches are equipped with anti-drumming products they can be finished with acoustic covering like Isomat FM floor mat. This is a nice sound proofing mat with a wear-resistant top layer. The floor of the car can be insulated with these products as well.

More information about insulating vehicles
On our page with solutions regarding vehicle insulation you will find the most common problem areas. Additional tips pages about various types of vehicles you can find here:

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