Guide on how to soundproof a treadmill. Soundproofing and reduce impact noise from fitness equipment. Easy to follow guide to avoid sound problems for your neighbours.

How to soundproof impact noise from a treadmill

Soundproofing impact noise from a treadmill
A treadmill, or rather running on a treadmill, causes impact noise that, especially in an apartment, can be very problematic for neighbours. To soundproof a treadmill we have vibration insulation and this guide on how to proceed. The guide is based on a customer who was looking for a solution to soundproof his treadmill, which he uses in a high rise apartment building. This customer was so kind to provide pictures of his solution.

How to soundproof a treadmill
To soundproof a treadmill without legs, with a flat surface underneath, we can offer this basic solution and Regufoam vibration insulation. If your treadmill stands on wheels or feet you also need a stiff plywood panel, or something similar, preferably a bit larger than the treadmill it self. This panel is needed to distribute the load of the treadmill and person using it. See the images for an example.

Also shown in the images is the solution to reduce impact noise while running on the treadmill. This requires a different amount of vibration insulation than just walking on a treadmill. Running produces more energy and more severe impact noise, therefore a double layer of insulation is needed.

To soundproof a treadmill used for running we recommend Regufoam, type D150, 25 mm thick. You need 5 sheets and cut them in half, now you have 10 sheets, of 250 x 250 x 25 mm. Place one part on top of the other until you end up with, again, 5 sheets but now measuring 250 x 250 x 50 mm. Place a sheet underneath each corner of the plywood panel, and one in the middle, so that the panel, or the treadmill, doesn't bend. This is the basic solution to soundproof vibrations whilst running on a treadmill and still obtain stability.

If you just simply walk on the treadmill, you produce much less powerful contact noise. In this case you need 3 sheets of Green Regufoam. Cut each sheet in half and place them underneath each corner and in the middle of the plywood panel. This should give a good result which you can fine tune depending on the situation at hand.  

Please keep in mind that the solution to soundproofing a treadmill differs for each treadmill and each situation. A treadmill on a wooden timber floor for instance needs more fine tuning than a treadmill on a stiff concrete floor. When have reached to optimum soundproofing you can use our contact adhesive to glue all the Regufoam parts together and to the plywood panel. Make sure the treadmill can't slide of this panel when the treadmill is under an angle! Enjoy your workout! 

Vibration insulation for treadmills

Photos and comment from a satisfied customer
Running outside is healthy and fun, but not in case of bad weather. In those cases a (in my case engine-less) treadmill is a great alternative. But a treadmill inside an apartment with downstairs neighbours can of course lead to (noise) problems. So, I asked the Acoustics Shop for advice. They replied immediately: I was advised to put the treadmill on a sheet of plywood with a double set of washing machine dampers underneath.

So in the end I bought (because of the finishing) a sheet of 18 mm plywood containing an anti-slip side, gluing took me half an hour, and on the first drizzly day I could try out the combination. Naturally, the plate on the dampers slightly moves while walking (and especially while running), but the sound of the treadmill is not transmitted to the floor at all. In short: mission accomplished!

How to Soundproof a Treadmill

Soundproofing and insulation for fitness equipment

Do you have an exercise bike or fitness equipment that causes impact noise problems? You might want to take look on these pages, we also offer solutions for those fitness machines.

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