How to soundproof a gaming room to reduce noise while gaming. Soundproofing for walls and doors and acoustic improvement of a gaming room.

Soundproofing to Reduce Gaming Noise

Sound problems kids gaming room
Gaming is a hobby that is practiced by many. However, it can cause a lot of noise nuisance to others in the home. Most questions that we receive is how to soundproof a gaming room because kids are causing noise problems, especially when having friends over and gaming on a computer for instance. Most of these noises consist of loud voices and music from a computer or console, we call those airborne noise. Kicking noises and moving furniture is called impact noise, but is not that common with gaming noise.

How to soundproof a gaming room
To reduce airborne noise, such as speech and music, you can start by soundproofing the door of the game room. This most of the time the biggest issue, a door that leaks sound to the rest of the home. We have a tips page with a guide on 'how to soundproof a door'. In some situations installing a drop seal alone can also be a big improvement. The gap between the door and floor can leak a large amount of sound. A simple test with a towel closing the gap can proof if a drop seal is useful.

If a party wall, or partition wall, between rooms is made of light materials such as plasterboard you might want to consider soundproofing this wall to improve privacy and reduce noise from one room to the other. With Acoustic Studs you can create soundproof walls that are decoupled from the rest of the house. This product is perfect to soundproof rooms, especially with higher sound levels. Akoestikon Acoustic Studs are easy to install and often used to soundproof home studios and home cinema rooms.

How to improve gaming room acoustics
Poor acoustic can also contribute to gaming noise, loud sound reflecting from walls and ceiling get amplified. The solution is found in acoustic panels. Acoustic panels absorb sound, reducing the amount of reverberation. This will result in more intelligible conversations, thus less need to speak loudly. Provide the wall that is being spoken towards (often around or behind the screen) and the ceiling above the gaming area with acoustic panels. By doing so, you already greatly reduce noise caused by speech and music.

Depending on the dimensions of the room we recommend installing 4 to 6 acoustic panels against the wall and the same amount against the ceiling, a minimum amount of 3 m² is recommend for most rooms. Installing more acoustic panels is better because the more sounds are muffled the better the result. Akotherm Edge are affordable acoustic panels with excellent sound absorbing properties.

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